Be the Light
Greetings! This Sunday we welcome back (with open arms!) Rev. Jeannie Soverns who’s coming all the way from Arizona to deliver her message to us. Rev. Jeannie has sampled a lot of life and brings all of that experience, curiosity, compassion and open-mindedness to her ministry. Her talk this week is perfect for the sacred season we are in:
“Be the Light.”
Light is used to symbolize God, faith, and holiness. We are called to not only walk in the light, but to be the light for others. Rev. Jeannie is as bright as a Roman candle in the sky, and she offers a vibrant example of what ✨“being the light”✨ looks like! ✨ ✨ ✨
Along with festive songs of the season from Tom and the choir, the congregation will be treated to a solo by singer/songwriter Carol Burton! 🎶
Christmas without music would be like a night without stars… unimaginable! A huge and hearty thank you to our dedicated PNTC choir for providing the soundtrack to our spiritual journey throughout the year and especially at Christmas! 🎄🎅🏽🎄
Throughout the years, our congregation has donated to Friends In Deed. Attached to the newsletter, you’ll see a photo of exactly what those donations can do!