How Do I Deal with the World Today?
J. Sutherland . J. Sutherland .

How Do I Deal with the World Today?

Greetings! This Sunday, November 10th, we are fortunate to have Rev. Bill Carpenter in the pulpit to help us grapple with a very timely and pressing question:

“How Do I Deal with the World Today?”

To state the obvious, the world is a complex place. Change is constant and oftentimes not what we deem for the “better.” As spiritual and compassionate people, it’s hard to understand when people make choices that put themselves, others, and sometimes the entire planet at risk.

What is our responsibility?

How best to stay in the moment, instead of spinning out into the future?

Is pursuing joy a transformative act? Or is it “spiritual bypass”?

How do we deal with the world today? We’re ready to hear Rev. Bill speak on it.

We are always ready to hear Tom and our glorious PNTC choir sing words of prayer, love and wisdom. This Sunday, they will lead us in a meditative chant, reminding us that regardless of appearances, “There is Nothing But Peace.”   ☮️ ☮️ ☮️

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